3160 Crawfordville Hwy, Crawfordville FL 32327 | 850-745-8932 | sales@sgfeed.com |

DAC Detoxifying Shampoo
A combination of natural essential oils including Emu Oil, Sage Oil, and Tea Tree Oil soothes skin and nourishes hair. Prevents, improves and soothes skin problems that are associated with Bacteria, Yeast, Mold, Fungi, and Viruses
Our Detoxifying Shampoo is a gentle, therapeutic, and cleansing formula which provides protection and improvement of topical skin ailments. With skin conditioning emollients and a pleasant fragrance, dac® Detoxifying Shampoo conditions skin while lifting stains and soils. This formula relies on a combination of natural essential oils including Emu Oil, Sage Oil, and Tea Tree Oil to sootheandnourishhair. Boswellia Extract and MCT Oil facilitate cell growth on a molecular level and act as a natural healing agent.